To Give Or Not To Give

To Give Or Not To Give: Why am I giving away my Best Stuff for FREE?

October 25, 20241 min read

NOTHING in this world is “free”. Let’s start there. 🤡

And I’ll show you in a second. 

People who don’t come from a marketing background are often not aware of HOW EXPENSIVE data, traffic, and leads are. 

People pay hundreds of thousands a month for traffic + leads 

– and what you get for that amount today, is WAY LESS than you did years ago. 

💡Meaning → We have to come up with SMARTER ways to ATTRACT people to us. 


→ Why do businesses give away “free” material?

= It’s not “free” per say. You get the material in exchange for your data (often an email/your input/feedback).

A business is not giving anything away for free – that’s their way of paying for your data. 🤝

I’m a BIG advocate for this strategy, because: 

👏 It’s a win-win situation. The audience gets the value, the business gets the data. 

👏 It builds trust – your future buyers can get a taste of what it’s like working with you / insights into your expertise 

👏 It builds goodwill & community – giving high value to your audience 

👏 It’s cheaper than outbound tactics (ads, outreach)

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